We believe that our duty is to take advantage of the capabilities of connectivity and digitization, not only to add value to our clients, but also to help face great challenges such as climate change, inequality, employability or misinformation.
We want:
Building a greener future: Harnessing the power of digitization to curb climate change.
Help society prosper: promote economic and social progress based on digitization, leaving no one behind.
Lead by example: maintain strict levels of governance oversight to build trust.
This is how we will be able to fulfill our purpose: to make our world more human by connecting people’s lives and to be more competitive and relevant.
In Colombia we are the first telecommunications operator that adopted the legal status of a Benefit and Collective Interest Society (BIC), as a company that has an innovative business model and that develops labor, environmental, good governance and community practices. We are convinced that sustainability is found in both what to do and how to do it. The “what to do” guarantees us the economic results; but the “how to” ensures that these results are obtained from good management of our business from an environmental, social and governance (ASG) perspective.