
Financial debt term structure*

As of june 2024Millions (Origin Currency)COP thousands of millionsPart. %
Short-term COP1.047.1341.047.13424%
Long-term COP1.217.5981.217.59828%
Short-term USD000%
Long-term USD5002.074.02048%
Total financial debt 4.338.752100%
Valuation of hedging instruments68.97668.976
Cash and equivalents-71.350-71.350
Total debt net 4.336.378

Financial debt by holder *

As of june 2024Millions (Origin Currency)COP thousands of millionsPart. %
Local banks COP2.112.3222.112.32249%
Local Bond COP152.410152.4104%
Foreign banks USD000%
Bonds and securities USD5002.074.02048%
Total financial debt 4.338.752100%
Valuation of hedging instruments68.97668.976
Cash and equivalents-71.350-71.350
Total debt net 4.336.378

Maturity profile *

COP thousands of millions20232024202520262027Following years
Bond 144A 000002.074.020
Local Bond00000152.410
International Banking000000
Local Banking0447.322600.000665.000400.0000
Total Financial Debt0 447.322600.000665.000400.000 2.226.430

* Not including licenses and transaction costs