Home About us Telefónica Hispam The holding company that groups operations in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela.More info about Telefónica Hispam Telefónica Colombia Know about our main operating and financial indicators in Colombia.More info about Telefónica Colombia Business Principles and Policies Our Business Principles govern everything we do and say, they are our code of ethics. Más información sobre Business Principles and Policies Annual report Consult the Responsible Management Reports of Telefónica Colombia for recent years.More info about Annual report Mision We want to make our world more human by connecting lives.More info about Mision Contractual Policies for Suppliers and Marketers Check here the contractual policies that apply to our suppliers and vendors. Check here the contractual policies that apply to our suppliers and vendors. Inquiries and complaints channel We will answer your questions about compliance with our Responsible Business Principles Contact